
HP Multi-Domain Single Ring (RRPP) with IRF Stacking

The goal in this case is to have 2 ranges of vlan’s that will go over a different side of the ring. If 1 side of the ring fails the vlan’s will still be active but over the same side of the ring.

With the stacking we can use both switches as active since the ring start on the master switch and end on the slave switch. Like this we can get maximum use of our ring topology. You can use your own range of vlan’s and ports off course depending on the switches you have and use case.

IRF Stack

Renumber switches default = 1

irf member 1 renumber 1 - first switch
irf member 1 renumber 2 - 2nd switch

member1 switch

irf member 1 priority 32 (32 = highest)
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/23
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/24
irf-port 1/1
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/23
irf-port 1/2
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/24
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/23
undo shutdown
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/24
undo shutdown
irf-port-configuration active

member2 switch

irf member 2 priority 31 
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/23
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/24
irf-port 2/1
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/23
irf-port 2/2
port group interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/24
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/23
undo shutdown
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/24
undo shutdown
irf-port-configuration active

At this point, you can cross-connect the switches. You have to connect Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 to Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/2, and Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2 to Ten-GigabitEthernet 2/0/1. This is important!

The second switch will join the stack, and it will reboot. If the second switch has a different firmware version, the firmware is updated after the join and the switch will reboot again. After the completion of the reboot, you can check the IRF configuration with the command

display irf topology
Multi-Domain Single Ring

Network diagram for a multi-domain single-ring network


A multi-domain single-ring network has only one ring, but multiple VLANs for the purpose of load sharing. Multiple RRPP domains are configured in the network, each having its own protected VLANs. In addition, an RRPP ring has different master nodes in different RRPP domains or has the same master node but different primary/secondary ports in different RRPP domains. Therefore, the protected VLANs of different RRPP domains have different logical topologies.

We use different Master nodes Domain 1 (DeviceA) Domain 2 (DeviceD)

Configuration Domain 1

Configuration on Device A.
Create VLANs 1 through 2050, map these VLANs to MSTI 1, and activate the MST region configuration.

vlan 1 to 2050 (if you already have vlan's set-up you can skip this!)
stp region-configuration 
instance 1 vlan 1 to 2050 
active region-configuration 

Disable physical state change suppression and STP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/2, configure the two ports as trunk ports, and assign them to VLANs 1 through 2050, and configure them to trust the 802.1p precedence of the received packets.

interface Ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/21
undo link-delay 
undo stp enable 
port link-type trunk 
port trunk permit vlan 1 to 2050
qos trust dot1p 
interface Ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/21
undo link-delay 
undo stp enable 
port link-type trunk 
port trunk permit vlan 1 to 2050
qos trust dot1p 

Create RRPP domain 1, configure VLAN 4090 as the primary control VLAN of RRPP domain 1, and configure the VLANs mapped to MSTI 1 as the protected VLANs of RRPP domain 1.

rrpp domain 1 
control-vlan 4090
protected-vlan reference-instance 1 

Configure Device A as the master node of primary ring 1, with GigabitEthernet 1/0/21 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 2/0/21 as the secondary port, and enable ring 1.

ring 1 node-mode master primary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/21 secondary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/21 level 0 
ring 1 enable 

Enable RRPP.

rrpp enable

Configuration on Device B.C.D.
Create VLANs 1 through 2050, map these VLANs to MSTI 1, and activate the MST region configuration.

vlan 1 to 2050 
stp region-configuration 
instance 1 vlan 1 to 2050 
active region-configuration 

Disable physical state change suppression and STP on GigabitEthernet 1/0/21 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/21, configure the two ports as trunk ports, and assign them to VLANs 1 through 2050, and configure them to trust the 802.1p precedence of the received packets.

interface gigabitethernet 1/0/21
undo link-delay 
undo stp enable 
port link-type trunk 
port trunk permit vlan 1 to 2050
qos trust dot1p 
interface gigabitethernet 2/0/21 
undo link-delay 
undo stp enable 
port link-type trunk 
port trunk permit vlan 1 to 2050
qos trust dot1p 

Create RRPP domain 1, configure VLAN 4090 as the primary control VLAN of RRPP domain 1, and configure the VLANs mapped to MSTI 1 through 32 as the protected VLANs of RRPP domain 1.

rrpp domain 1 
control-vlan 4090
protected-vlan reference-instance 1 

Configure Device B as the transit node of primary ring 1, with GigabitEthernet 1/0/21 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 2/0/21 as the secondary port, and enable ring 1.

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/21 secondary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/21 level 0 
ring 1 enable 

Enable RRPP.

rrpp enable 

The configuration on Device C and D is similar to that on Device B so detailed steps are not shown.

Use the display command to view RRPP configuration and operational information on each device.

Configuration Domain 2

Configuration on Device D.
Create VLANs 2051 through 4000, map these VLANs to MSTI 2, and activate the MST region configuration.

vlan 2051 to 4000 
stp region-configuration 
instance 2 vlan 2051 to 4000 
active region-configuration 
  1. Assign them to VLANs 2051 through 4000.
interface Ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/21
port trunk permit vlan 2051 to 4000 
interface Ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/21 
port trunk permit vlan 2051 to 4000 

Create RRPP domain 2, configure VLAN 4092 as the primary control VLAN of RRPP domain 2, and configure the VLANs mapped to MSTI 2 as the protected VLANs of RRPP domain 2.

rrpp domain 2 
control-vlan 4092
protected-vlan reference-instance 2

Configure Device D as the master node of domain 2 with GigabitEthernet 2/0/21 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/21 as the secondary port.

ring 1 node-mode master primary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/21 secondary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/21 level 1

Configuration on Device A.B.C.
Create VLANs 2051 through 4000, map these VLANs to MSTI 2, and activate the MST region configuration.

vlan 2051 to 4000 
stp region-configuration 
instance 2 vlan 2051 to 4000 
active region-configuration 
  1. Assign them to VLANs 2051 through 4000.
interface Ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/21
port trunk permit vlan 2051 to 4000 
interface Ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/21 
port trunk permit vlan 2051 to 4000 

Create RRPP domain 2, configure VLAN 4092 as the primary control VLAN of RRPP domain 2, and configure the VLANs mapped to MSTI 2 as the protected VLANs of RRPP domain 2.

rrpp domain 2 
control-vlan 4092
protected-vlan reference-instance 2

Configure Device A as the transit node of domain2, with GigabitEthernet 2/0/21 as the primary port and GigabitEthernet 1/0/21 as the secondary port, and run in level1 of ring 1.

ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 2/0/21 secondary-port Ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/21 level 1

The configuration on Device B and C is similar to that on Device A so detailed steps are not shown.

Use the display command to view RRPP configuration and operational information on each device.

Displaying and maintaining RRPP

To view the VLANs mapped to the referenced MSTIs

display stp region-configuration

Display brief RRPP information

display rrpp brief [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display detailed RRPP information

display rrpp verbose domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Display RRPP statistics

display rrpp statistics domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]

Clear RRPP statistics

reset rrpp statistics domain domain-id [ ring ring-id ]